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Living Anatomy

  • 43 Steps
Everyone who has completed all steps in the program will get a badge.


New to teaching yoga? Been teaching for a while but want to understand more about the body? Just a curious student? This course will help to enrich and deepen your knowledge of human anatomy as it relates to movement and yoga and guide you to making informed decisions about which movements and postures are most suitable for you and how to apply and direct your intention to get the most out of your practice and continue to see progress. Most Yoga certifications severely undercut the anatomy and physiology portion of learning and supplement this with additional philosophy, introduction to Ayurveda or learning about the chakras. While these may be important learning tools, they do not cover the very necessary basic and foundational knowledge that teachers should have of the body, especially teachers charged with the responsibility of guiding and directing other bodies through a practice. Over regimented, dogmatic and inflexible cues have been developed to compensate for a lack of knowledge of how movement takes place and how adaptability works. This course allows the student to understand the concepts and processes behind adaptation and the specifics of motion so that they can create a meaningful and powerful practice for themselves and their own students.

You can also join this program via the mobile app. Go to the app



Single Payment
Crawl Project Studio


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